Corrosion inhibitor - Dispersant - Scale and corrosion inhibitor

KR-619B Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor


KR-619B is composed of organophosphoric acid, polycarboxylic acid, sulfosalt copolym-ers, copper corrosion inhibitor, special surfactant, etc. The organophosphine acid forms protection membrane and brings corrosion inhibition on metal surface. KR-619B has good chelation and lattice distortion effect on calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate and calcium phosphate. Through rational prescription, KR-619B has good synergistic effect, with high corrosion inhibition ratio, high temperature tolerance, high scale inhibition ratio and not easy to degradation.


AppearanceAmber transparent liquid
Solid content, %30.0 min
Total phosphoric acid (as PO43-), %8.0 min
pH(1% water solution)2.0±1.0
Density (20℃), g/cm31.10 min
Thiazole (as C6H5N3)1.5 min


Add KR-619B into plastic pool (or box) every day, dilute with water and continuously add into inlet of dosage pump or metering valve (outlet of collecting tank). The dosage of 5-30ppm is preferred. 

Package and Storage:

200L plastic drum,IBC(1000L),customers’ requirement. Storage for one year in shady room and dry place.

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