Corrosion inhibitor - Dispersant - Scale and corrosion inhibitor

KR-701 Nonstop Cleaning agent


KR-701 is composed of chelating, detergent, dispersant and pretreatment filming agent. It has properties of fast cleaning, quick filming, film homogeneization, and low corrosion ratio. It is not affected by ferric and copper ions in pretreatment filming, especially suitable to be used in nonstop cleaning of circulating water system.


AppearanceAmber liquid
Solid content, %40.0 min
Total phosphoric acid acid (asPO43-), %20.0 min
pH(1% water solution)2.0±1.0
Density (20℃), g/cm31.25±0.1


The dosage of 150-250mg/L is preferred.

Package and Storage:

200L plastic drum,IBC(1000L),customers’ requirement. Storage for one year in shady room and dry place.

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